19 November 2009

Test This.

Here I am in a strange public library, waiting for the clock to advance another 45 minutes to go pick up the wife.

The way I see it, why shouldn't I go for a blog update? My last one has only resulted in 'hang-in-theres' and 'follow-your-dreams,' and since I usually don't like inspirational poster advice, I'll just do what I do best on here; complain. This time (probably the first of many) it will be about work.

I took an overly politically-correct test on my company's harassment policy and realized that the only thing I can tease someone about anymore is how they suck at video games, but at Best Buy, that person is me because everyone there eats and breathes video games. Lame. At least I can still pick on people for watching shitty movies or listening to country music. I can't even pick on someone for the way they dress, because everyone at Best Buy dresses the same!

Then, I took another test wherein I found a loophole and achieved a very high score. Here's the situation: A "customer" says a paragraph, and you have to identify the key phrases in that paragraph to pass this quiz. I didn't even read most of them; if you just roll your mouse over the paragraph, you'll notice that sometimes, more than one word is highlighted. When that happens, it's always correct, so click on it. Most of the time, all the answers were comprised of more than one word and thus the test was completely useless, much like whatever it was I was supposed to be learning at the time.

When I thought I was smart for realizing this and shared with a co-worker, I found out that he, too, did well on that test for the exact same reason. At least I didn't have to deal with customers for an hour, which brings me to my next section:

The complaint.

Someone, some lame-o customer told what he thought was my superior, that I was rude and sarcastic. Now, I don't know the whole story yet, as my actual superior didn't meet with me to formally discuss the obvious fact that I use sarcasm to relate to customers and that yes, occasionally, people have no sense of humor, but I was still following all the harassment guidelines I learned earlier that very day.

What really gets to me about this whole thing is that I don't even remember this particular customer interaction, which means I feel I was not overly-ANYTHING and this person was not rude to me. But what can they expect? I work in retail and Christmas music has been on for a month.

The thing I really don't understand is why this person sought out someone to tattle on me. Oh, and I think it's worth noting that the person sought out was not my supervisor, just a gentleman with whom I work who is older than me. He actually started a day after me! As the disgruntled customer told his tale to the 'supervisor,' he told him that he was glad to see someone who wasn't 20 years old working in the store. Last I checked, that's age-based discrimination, and I don't have to take it!


The moral of this story is...

I don't know.

I don't really think this is going to change how I interact with people, because unless people's smiles and eye-contact are lying, I'm doing a pretty good job.

But I should probably stop naming my company in my blog, because I'm probably violating some stupid code of conduct on a quiz I have yet to take.