25 June 2015

The Future of Storytelling

How do I see my own role in the future of storytelling, digital and/or oral?

I don’t see myself as a storyteller.  I think of what I do here more as a keeper of my own personal public record or an auto-documentary of sorts.  None of my posts reflect traditional storytelling structure, many do not have any lessons or morals, but they all seem to have just one thing in common: me.  If anyone out there is interested in what I have to say, then this is the only place to go.  While there may not be a demand for that sort of thing commercially, surely friends and family can get something out of it.  This is a personal record, and will probably be a great place to get inspiration for anyone writing my obituary.

So no, I don’t see myself having much of a future as an oral storyteller.  While I read to my son every day, I certainly am not going to turn this into a career.  Digitally, the stories I will probably tell most often will be how-to videos about placing inter-library loan holds.  Five years ago, I would have said that I wanted to be a digital storyteller, but now I want to be a librarian.  Now, I see myself as more of a story keeper than a teller, and I’m just fine with that. 

I hope that I keep up with my blog posts after this class ends.  I’ve been on here almost weekly for a little over a month, and looking at my recent activity, that’s more than the last five years combined in posts.  At the same time, I can’t justify spending time on something that is viewed so infrequently when I have what can best be described as a “butt load” of homework to do before the end of May 2016.  So, like all my other projects, I will continue to chant “May 2016” when anyone asks when I will get things done.  I’m busy now?  Just find me in May 2016 to find out what busy REALLY means. 

I will post my final project on here when it’s done.  Hopefully that’s not the last this blog ever sees of me, but if it is, then I’ll say thanks for reading and have a great day!

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