03 July 2007

Some animals are more equal than others.

This is the first letter I've written to a Congressperson, and I feel strongly enough about this issue to include it in my blog that nobody reads.

Representative Arcuri,
I am a journalism student at Utica College and currently an unregistered voter. At this point in time, I see little reason to register to vote as my faith in the democratic process dwindles every time I open a newspaper. To say that I am upset at the lack of justice served to "Scooter" Libby is a bit of an understatement. Can you refresh my memory as to why we allow presidential pardons? I fail to see the positive aspect of that particular act. It's not enough that Bush has ignored the writ of Habeus Corpus, now he's allowing a guilty man freedom. Where is justice?
I am not writing because I expect any type of change in the near future, I just want a favor - the next time you see Mr. Bush or any of the White House staff, please let them know how little I respect them.
Thank you for your time,
Travis L. Olivera

If I get a response, I'll put it up here too.

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